C# wps转pdf(word、ppt、excel),在线预览pdf 您所在的位置:网站首页 wps word转换pdf C# wps转pdf(word、ppt、excel),在线预览pdf

C# wps转pdf(word、ppt、excel),在线预览pdf

2023-09-24 15:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


  注:我是在wps试用期专业版,windows10系统  vs2019 webform(.net framework4.5)测试。



    com组件Upgrade WPS Spreadsheets 3.0 Object Library (Beta)  ,对应“Excel”,C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_32\Kingsoft.Office.Interop.Etapi\\Kingsoft.Office.Interop.Etapi.dll

    com组件 Upgrade WPS Presentation 3.0 Object Library (Beta),对应“PowerPoint”,C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_32\Kingsoft.Office.Interop.Wppapi\\Kingsoft.Office.Interop.Wppapi.dll

    com组件Upgrade Kingsoft WPS 3.0 Object Library (Beta),对应“Word”,C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_32\Kingsoft.Office.Interop.Wpsapi\\Kingsoft.Office.Interop.Wpsapi.dll

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